NebulaWebMarketplace Specifications
Package Format
Each marketplace asset follows this standardized format and utilizies version 4 UUIDs, as packages are often submitted via discord bots.
Name | Description | Type | Example |
package_name | An internal identifier for the package. | string | eba236c5-6789-4055-b023-ade7d99b1e11 |
title | A user-chosen title for the package. This is shown on the marketplace. | string | Outer Space |
description | A user-chosen description for the package. This is shown on the marketplace. | string | A cool outer space theme! |
author | The author for the package. | string | Nebula Services |
image | A path to cover image to show on the marketplace. The path should start with /images/ . | string | /images/eba236c5-6789-4055-b023-ade7d99b1e11.png |
tags | A JSON array literal of different tags relating to the package. | string | ["Space", "English", "Background"] |
version | A version number for the package. | string | 1.1.2 |
background_image | A path to a background image for the website. The path should start with /images/ . | string | /images/eba236c5-6789-4055-b023-ade7d99b1e11_background.png |
background_video | A path to a background video for the website. The path should start with /videos/ . | string | /videos/eba236c5-6789-4055-b023-ade7d99b1e11_background.mp4 |
payload | A path to a payload for the package. This can be a CSS file in /styles or a JS file in /scripts . | string | /styles/eba236c5-6789-4055-b023-ade7d99b1e11.css |
type | Indicates if the package is a theme or JavaScript plugin. | sw | theme | theme |
The tags field should include the language of the package, if possible.
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