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Configuring Dynamic


Dyanmic can be configured by modifying the dynamic.config.js file.

We provide you with the optimal default settings for the best ballence between the fastest and stealthiest browsing

self.__dynamic$config = {
  prefix: "/service/",
  encoding: "xor",
  mode: "production",
  logLevel: 0,
  bare: {
    version: 2,
    path: "/bare/",
  tab: {
    title: "Service",
    icon: null,
    ua: null,
  assets: {
    prefix: "/dynamic/",
    files: {
      handler: "dynamic.handler.js",
      client: "dynamic.client.js",
      worker: "dynamic.worker.js",
      config: "dynamic.config.js",
      inject: null,
  block: [],

Config explanation

** This is a very brief explanation. Look into Configuration for more indepth explanations. **

 prefix: '/service/', // This needs to match the prefix for the service worker
  encoding: 'xor', // This is the encoding that Dynamic will use to encode URLs it rewrites. plain, base64, XOR, or none.
  mode: 'production', // The mode that dynamic operates in. - production, development.
  logLevel: 0,
  bare: {
    version: 2, // If you used Ultraviolet before Dynamic, these settings will be familiar to you. You should leave them default.
    path: '/bare/',
  tab: {
    title: 'Service',
    icon: null, // set null for no changes to be made
    ua: null, // set null for no changes to be made ^
    assets: {       // Unless you are seperating Dynamics assets into different directories, leave this stuff default.
    prefix: '/dynamic/',
    files: {
      handler: 'dynamic.handler.js',
      client: 'dynamic.client.js',
      worker: 'dynamic.worker.js',
      config: 'dynamic.config.js',
      inject: null,
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